Having the Twelve Apostles on my doorstep is one of the many perks of living where I do (just outside a small village called Simpson, if anyone wants to come visit). Having one of the most stunning areas in Victoria so close to home means that it’s easy enough to get to the best spots before they become full of tourists making them almost unusable.
I’ve known Zac and Casey for several years now as they are essentially my neighbours and we’re all members of our local volunteer fire brigade. We decided to head down to Loch Ard Gorge for their portraits and then up onto the cliffs to get a good view of some of the Apostles.
Regardless of the location the most important thing with any portrait session is to ensure that everyone is comfortable and relaxed and I think that’s something we achieved pretty darn well. I’m really looking forward to their wedding later in the year, not just because I’ll have a two minute drive to work that day (but it sure doesn’t hurt).